For quite some time now I have been experiencing a nagging sacral pain which was quite an unbearable feeling for me. But I was lucky enough to be referred to a good doctor at a well known hospital to check up on me.
This pain I am referring to was really excruciating. I even remember at that same day it got really painful, it made me cry like a baby and all I ever did was complain about it. But as what I've said, I am lucky enough that I was able to meet up with a doctor which examined me, prescribed me medicines and gave me an order for a MRI test. The medicines he gave me made me feel a lot better: from a stabbing, friction rubbing, 10/10 pain it was reduced to a 6/10 pain scale. Relieving my sacral area made it better as well. So just imagine, I was restricted from sitting even for 5 minutes, this "pain" would surprisingly just appear. So I had 2 options: either to stand or lie down. Now talk about living like a bum. HA HA HA.
Anyway, last April 29, I had my very first MRI experience. Nervousness - was my initial feeling. Not because I am claustrophobic but because I was nervous about my results. With what the radiologists would see. Ack. The whole test took 30 minutes, and trust me I did NOT feel comfortable at all. I wanted to sleep, to relax, but it was noisy and I was feeling cold and I was perspiring cold sweat HA HA HA. That 30 minutes felt like an hour to me, which made me realize that I should've brought my iPod with me. Is iPod considered metal? HA HA. :D
May 5, 2009 - It was time for my check up after 1 1/2 weeks. Prior to this day, I was able to read my MRI results and three terms caught my attention:
desiccation, theral sac and Tarlov cyst. Kinda funny because as I was reading it, I could not understand any of them. I just wanted to barge my way into the doctors office to get my results interpreted in Layman's term RIGHT AWAY. Again, patience is one of my greatest traits and that's what we (my Dud, brother, and yours truly) did. We waited PATIENTLY for our number to be called and after a few hours... We entered the doctors clinic.
I was thinking of a worst case scenario for a few days. Something wrong with my spine, or disks even. But as I was told, your thoughts become things, so I shifted my thoughts into something else. I'd rather have my doctor say na UMAARTE LANG AKO, rather than hearing a diagnosis which my mind cannot process. He he. But as he reviewed my films... All he pointed out was that my disks WAS ALL DRIED UP. I'm like, "WOAH! Do disks dry up?" - siyempre sa utak ko lang nasabi yan. I was too shy to ask questions. So my doctor continued with his explanations. He said something about a cyst (which I pretended not to hear ha ha ha) and well yeah... My effin disks that was DRIED UP!!! - That was all there is to it. Badabing-badaboom! A very unusual thing to happen to me since I am ONLY TWENTY YEARS OLD! So I stood there, not knowing what to say, although I had a handful of questions to ask: 1. Why did the pain occur suddenly, 2. Why was the pain excruciating and unbelievably painful, 3. Why did Mefenamic Acid failed to relief me from the pain, 4. What does he mean by my disks drying up, 5. How did my disks dry up at the first place (AT PWEDE PALA IYON MANGYARI?!), 6. Are there any remedies to RE-HYDRATE MY DRIED DISKS? (HA HA! PARANG PAGKAIN LANG AMPOTA.) 7. Are there any complications?, 8. Does he have any interventions for me? ETCETERA ETCETERA. Knowing the well-mannered young lady I am, I wasn't able to ask any of these. Instead, he gave me a sheet of paper that included some accepted and not accepted postures and body alignments and some therapeutic exercises for me. I was also overshadowed by my Dud who was very relieved from my doctors words of wisdom. He reassured me that it was nothing serious (THANKFULLY!) but then again... MY DISKS ARE DRIED UP!!! - As we were about to leave, my brother asked me, "Wala ka ba itatanong?" - dito ako nagising sa katotohanan. I had a handful of questions and I need answers... NOW.
My doctor was kind enough to spare a few more minutes even though he still has other patients. So there I started bombarding him with my questions. HA HA HA. To my surprise... I wasn't able to get a concise answer. Because according to the studies he has read. Well. There wasn't much to read on. HA HA HA. OH GREAT. JUST GREAT. According to him, what I "have" is very rare and irreversible. Meaning, there isn't ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD I can do to re-hydrate my f*cking disks. - Boogum! Rubbed into my face. Ha ha ha. With no definite answers to my WHY's, WHAT's, and HOW's, I was told three things: 1. Avoid becoming OBESE (Finally! A reason to motivate me to enroll in a spinning class) 2. DO NOT SMOKE (As if I do.) and 3. Take care of my body alignment - and hopefully this "pain" that nagged me a few weeks ago won't return any time soon.
But for now. Celebrex, Tramadol, swimming, cycling and proper body alignment are my new best friends. They better not let me down. Ha ha ha.
Arrivederci amici! abbracci e baci! Ü